Saturday, November 1, 2008

Delhi - Oct 16-18

We landed in New Delhi the evening of the 16th, and spent the next day and a half checking out some of the sights.

This is the Q'tab tower, the tallest in India. Much or the area around it is now in ruins, but the famous tower is still intact. It's very ornate, with beautiful carvings throughout.

A group of school children were there for an outing, and were busy drawing the different arches and buildings.

After lunch, we took a bicycle rickshaw ride through the Kinari Market. It was so narrow cars couldn't get through, and so crowded we didn't dare stop!

The market was filled with decorations for the upcoming Diwali (Festival of Light) celebrations.

The Jami Masjid Mosque, the largest in India. A huge enclosed courtyard is filled several times a day for worship.

The nearby Hindu temple was dramatically different than the mosques, and was filled with statues and friezes of the many Hindu gods.

The ubiqitous auto-rickshaw - cheap and handy. We (thankfully) had our own driver, so didn't have to try this particular adventure!

Scott was the only one brave enough (dumb enough?) to get up close and personal with the cobras!

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